Kienow Family History and Heritage

General : New Look for!
Posted by skenow on Wed, 30 Nov 2005 (1610 reads)

I've promised an update to the web site, and now it is a reality! All (or most) of the old content is still here, plus some new capabilities, as well. I've tried to keep the organization similar to the old format, and provide you with a smooth transition.

One of my motivations for the change is to allow family members to participate easily in building and maintaining this site. The new format allows members to contribute news articles, stories about family, photos, calendar events, and also provides a place for discussions and ways to communicate with other family members.

Here's a little bit about each of the areas on our site:
News - here's where you'll find information about what's going on around the family
Forums - An area I was trying to incorporate into the old site as the Refrigerator Door. This area allows you to post questions to the group, and respond to questions from others.
Family Trees - Just an update to the trees from the old site.
Our Stories - This area combines several of our old sections: Getting to Know Us, The Workshop, and Things You Should Know
Calendar - different than the calendar in the family trees area, because it will have special events (reunions, for example)
Downloads - a new area to download files (forms, mostly, to start out with)
Favorite Links - Links to other places of interest on the Internet (pages maintained by other family members, German and Pommern sites, genealogy sites, and the like)
Photo Gallery - same as before, just a new way to organize and display our family photos.

In addition to the content being provided, the new site allows us to keep some areas for 'family members, only'. The only area on the old site was the family trees, which kept information private for living individuals (don't want to encourage any identity theft). So, you will now see a login area. If you would like a personal account, click on the Register now! link and complete the registration form. Once your account is activated, you will receive an email letting you know you can log in and gain access to other areas. Anyone can register, but family members will be given additional priveleges on this site.

Thanks for all the encouragement, and I hope these new changes will bring more enjoyment to our extended family (I know I have fun doing this!)


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