Kienow Family History and Heritage

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Getting To Know Us

We all have stories to tell. I remember back when I was a little bit younger, sitting around at my grandparents, surrounded by these people, listening to their stories. Stories mostly get handed down that way - in every generation there is a storyteller, and the next generation's storyteller hears the stories, and then repeats them to the following generation's storyteller. You hear the stories at Christmas and Thanksgiving, at family picnics, weddings, and funerals. Sometimes, the stories get enhanced; other times, just mentioning the story brings out the laughter and new stories unfold. As the days go by, the storytellers get older, and the stories start to fade. This collection of stories is for you to enjoy, and to keep the stories from fading completely away.
Here are some of the stories about the people important in our lives.
Harlan Kenow and Lucille Stadler
Ray Kenow and Arline 'Spike' Mills
  • Ray's Service in the Navy
Last modified on 2024/8/24 by skenow

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